Sleep Apnea Product Applications
Home Sleep Testing for Medical Professionals
In order to diagnose Sleep Apnea or other sleep disorders, a patient must undergo a polysomnography (sleep study). ...
By Cleveland Medical Devices Inc. based in Cleveland, OHIO (USA).
Clinical Grade Parameters for Smartwatches
Medtor technology allows consumers for the first time to have clinically relevant heart rate and blood oxygenation data on the go and with normal activities. Benefits include improved workouts, enhanced fitness levels, and self-monitoring with potential early detection of health issues. ...
By Medtor Inc. based in Manhattan Beach, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Blood Pressure (Bp) Measurement Device for Medical Industry
ViTrack is a platform technology with applications across the continuum of care. In 2015, with the support of MIT and Tufts, the founding team behind Dynocardia began their search for a fundamentally different approach to the measurement of blood pressure (BP) that can measure automatically, without the participation of the user, caregiver, or healthcare provider. After rigorous bench testing and ongoing clinical studies in the ICU, ViTrack technology is proven to offer accurate continuous, non-invasive blood ...
By Dynocardia, Inc. based in Cambridge, MASSACHUSETTS (USA).
Home Sleep Testing for Sleep Apnea
CleveMed's sleep monitoring devices can aid in sleep apnea diagnosis only when prescribed by a doctor, and cannot be sold directly to patients as per FDA regulations. ...
By Cleveland Medical Devices Inc. based in Cleveland, OHIO (USA).
Genio for Healthcare Professionals
By dissociating the neurostimulator from its power unit and thanks to the unique bilateral nerve stimulation, the Genio® sleep apnea treatment will shift the current paradigm in OSA ...
By Nyxoah SA based in Mont-Saint-Guibert, BELGIUM.
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