Patient Transport Product Applications Available In Slovakia
Transfer to bathroom
The caregiver can transfer a patient to the bathroom when in need of the toilet or a ...
By PTR Robots | Part of Blue Ocean Robotics based in Odense, DENMARK.
Portable MRI Imaging System for Stroke Unit
Having Swoop parked nearby means your team has the information they need immediately, without the risk or time required for ...
By Hyperfine based in Guilford, CONNECTICUT (USA).
Transforming radiology solutions for chest imaging areas
Chest Imaging: The Adaptix chest imaging device will offer truly mobile 3D imaging at the bedside for a cost and dose similar to existing 2D X-ray systems. Better visualisation than 2D X-ray of common conditions such as pulmonary edema, pneumothorax/hemothorax and more confident localization of lines and ...
By Adaptix Limited based in Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM.
Ultrasound for Critical Care
An integrated imaging solution for critical assessments and guided procedures that never leaves your side. Heart, lung and deep vein scans at the bedside. Support from diagnosis through PIV ...
By Butterfly Network, Inc based in Guilford, CONNECTICUT (USA).
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