Pain Control Product Applications
The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) and Pain
The Body’s Built In Pain And Inflammation Defense System. There are a number of pain defense systems that operate in our body. ...
By Tetra Bio-Pharma based in Orleans,, ONTARIO (CANADA).
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Sports
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for professional sports has become one of the most effective methods for athlete ...
By OXYHELP INDUSTRY based in Bucuresti, ROMANIA.
NBT - Navigated Brain Therapy System for Alleviating Chronic Neuropathic Pain Relief
As the world’s leading company combining TMS with 3D brain imaging, we offer a powerful noninvasive technique for the relief of chronic, refractory neuropathic ...
By Nexstim Plc based in Helsinki, FINLAND.
Oral Surgery
Lasers have been used in dentistry for approximately two decades. For many intraoral soft tissue surgical procedures, the laser is a viable alternative to the scalpel. There are many categories of soft tissue procedures that can be treated by ...
By PIOON based in Wuhan, CHINA.
Parasym - Non-Invasive Neuromodulation Device for Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS / tVNS)
The process of stimulating the Vagus Nerve with micropulses of electrical current is referred to in a number of different ways. Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) - Typically refers to stimulation of the nerve with a surgically implanted device and electrode. Non-invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS, taVNS, nVNS, LLTS) - Refers to stimulation of the vagus nerve without penetrating the skin using an external device and surface electrode. ‘tVNS’ stands for Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation and this is ...
By Parasym Ltd. based in London, UNITED KINGDOM.
Knee Osteoarthritis
Stempeucel® shown anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and chondrogenic properties at key stages of ...
By Stempeutics Research Pvt. Ltd. based in Bangalore, INDIA.
Low-Level-Laser Therapy for General
The development of laser technology extends back to the time around 1920 to Albert Einstein. After the first laser was constructed in 1960 the advances in laser technology developed in leaps and ...
By Heltschl Medizintechnik GmbH based in Schlüsslberg, AUSTRIA.
Medical solutions for neurosurgery sector
Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression (PLDD) is a minimally invasive procedure aimed at significantly reducing the patient’s pain and reducing the neurological ...
By Lasotronix Sp. z o.o. based in Piaseczno, POLAND.
Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) Restorative Treatment System for Patients
As for many patients, none of the treatment options for your Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) have brought you lasting relief. ReActiv8® is a different type of restorative therapy that addresses the underlying multifidus muscle dysfunction that can lead to mechanical CLBP. ...
By Mainstay Medical based in Dublin 2, IRELAND.
IDCT for Lumbar Disc Degeneration
The first product candidate to utilize the Discogenic Cell platform is IDCT ...
By DiscGenics, Inc. based in Salt Lake City, UTAH (USA).
Using a Back Pain Relief Machine for Long-Term Relief
The wisest choice then is to embrace ultrasound therapy. With a back pain relief machine that employs low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasonic waves to treat pain and heal soft tissue injuries, NanoVibronix aims to bring this well-established medical technology to the masses. ...
By NanoVibronix based in Elmsford, NEW YORK (USA).
Freedom Knee for Patients & Caregivers
The Freedom Knee is designed to help you return to an active lifestyle. The extensive component size selection means that the implants used will have the best fit, close to the shape of your knee, which is important for long-term durability. The Freedom Knee design allows for the natural bending motion needed to perform your daily activities in safety and comfort. Whether you like to dance, ride a bike, do yoga, play with your grandchildren or simply want to sit on the floor for prayer, the Freedom Knee will help ...
By Maxx Orthopedics, Inc. based in Norristown, PENNSYLVANIA (USA).
Personal Ultrasound Machine for Pain
Need a personal ultrasound machine for pain? Ultrasound therapy is one of the most common methods for pain relief in physical therapy. ...
By NanoVibronix based in Elmsford, NEW YORK (USA).
Carpal Tunnel for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Test (TOS)
Thoracic outlet syndrome & carpal tunnel syndrome have nearly identical symptoms. That's why both patients & doctors often confuse the two ...
By Carpal Pain Solutions. LLC based in Fort Pierce, FLORIDA (USA).
Neuropathic Pain Durable Relief Devices for Patients - Axon Therapy
Axon Therapy is a life-changing new non-drug pain management treatment that is FDA-cleared to treat chronic nerve pain — such as the recurring pain experienced after a limb loss, motor vehicle accident, severe fall, sports injury, localized burn or certain invasive surgical procedures. ...
By NeuraLace Medical based in San Diego, CALIFORNIA (USA).
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