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Medical Monitoring Product Applications

41 applications found
  • Oral Surgery

    Lasers have been used in dentistry for approximately two decades. For many intraoral soft tissue surgical procedures, the laser is a viable alternative to the scalpel. There are many categories of soft tissue procedures that can be treated by ...

    By PIOON based in Wuhan, CHINA.

  • Ultrasound measurement instrumentation solutions for diagnostic sector

    A wide range of products and services to acoustically test imaging and doppler transducers to ensure safety and ...

    By Onda Corporation based in Sunnyvale, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Wireless Sensor for Medical Applications

    In modern medicine there is a constant demand to collect data about patients’ physical, physiological and behavior, monitor medical instruments inside hospitals to reduce multiple systems or shortage, monitor hospital staff’s hygiene with a dedicated bracelet and many other applications that requires monitoring and data ...

    By Sol Chip Ltd. based in Haifa, ISRAEL.

  • Environmental & power monitoring equipments for medical applications

    It is imperative that medical environments are closely monitored and logs are stored for analysis and auditing purposes. ...

    By Jacarta Ltd. based in Marlborough, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • IONICON PTR-TOF instruments deployed for COVID-19 detection in breath

    There is a high probability that this disease can be detected in the exhaled breath but also monitoring the impact of treatment or medication in exhaled breath is highly relevant. ...

    By Ionicon Analytik Ges.m.b.H. based in Innsbruck, AUSTRIA.

  • Predict Health Monitoring

    Predict Health Monitoring provides online Occupational Health Screening Assessment Tools, giving insight into the health status of your work force at any one ...

    By Enigma based in Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.

  • SARS-CoV-2 Targeted Sequence Analysis with SRSLY

    This application note describes the utility of SRSLY in performing targeted sequence analysis of SAR-CoV-2 RNA-Seq libraries were generated with SRSLY within 3 hours. Subsequent enrichment of viral sequences can be performed with a user-preferred hybridization-based panel. ...

    By Claret Bioscience based in Santa Cruz, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Target Enrichment with SRSLY and Twist Exome Panel

    SRSLY NGS library preparation with twist exome panel enrichment for ctDNA SNP profiling. Cell-free DNA (cfDNA), found circulating in blood, originates predominantly from dying cells. In healthy individuals the vast majority of cfDNA derives from hematopoietic myeloid and lymph cells undergoing apoptosis. However, in individuals with cancer, a variable fraction of the cfDNA derives from tumor cells undergoing apoptosis and/or necrosis. This tumor derived fraction of cfDNA is known as circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). ...

    By Claret Bioscience based in Santa Cruz, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Respiratory Monitoring System for Perioperative Screening

    Ideal for high throughput surgery to avoid pre and post complications. ...

    By MediPines based in Yorba Linda, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • DNA Analyzer for CYP2C19 Test

    Rapid genotyping for antiplatelet therapy. 1 in 3 people carry mutations. 30 percent of Caucasians and 40 percent of Asians carry CYP2C19 mutations that impair drug metabolism. For heart attack patients, most complications from poor Plavix® response occur in the first 24 to 48 hours after cardiac stenting. ...

    By Genomadix based in Ottawa, ONTARIO (CANADA).

  • eripheral Vascular Diagnosis Solution for Segmental Blood Pressures

    Lower extremity Segmental Blood Pressures (SBP) diagnosis refers to the measurement of the systolic blood pressure at various sites along each ...

    By Viasonix based in Ra’anana, ISRAEL.

  • Medical solutions for autonomic failure diagnosis sector

    For over 30 years, Finapres® devices have been used by cardiologists, neurologists, physiologists and researchers to better understand autonomic failure, or dysautonomia. Many studies using Finapres devices® have been performed to show subjects’ neurological and cardiovascular reactions, including autonomic failure. Finapres® NOVA hardware and software support protocol-driven diagnosis of autonomic failure in patients and support documentation of treatment ...

    By Finapres Medical Systems based in Enschede, NETHERLANDS.

  • Neuromonitoring Solutions for Thyroid Surgery

    Over 100,000 thyroid surgeries are performed in Germany alone every year. In other words, more than 100,000 vocal cord nerves must be protected from injury. Pathological changes in a thyroid gland or tissue scarred through multiple surgical interventions may lead to changes in the anatomical position of a nerve, which can pose a challenge to the surgeon, depending on their experience. There is an increased risk of paresis in the vocal cord nerve, the laryngeal recurrent nerve, with sometimes serious repercussions ...

    By Dr. Langer Medical GmbH based in Waldkirch, GERMANY.

  • Portable, biosensor-based and digital solutions for healthcare and infectious disease monitoring industry

    EMBIO Diagnostics has decisively entered the Healthcare industry with its revolutionary Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitor AirBELD. This innovative product tap into key sector that is currently experiencing massive growth on a global scale. ...

    By EMBIO Diagnostics Ltd. based in Nicosia, CYPRUS.

  • OpenNMS - IT Network Management + Monitoring Software for Healthcare - Open Source Network Monitoring Platform

    Monitoring the Health of Your Network for the Health of Your Patients. Information technologists in healthcare face many, if not all, of the same challenges their enterprise peers face in other business segments. ...

    By NantOmics based in Morrisville, NORTH CAROLINA (USA).

  • Infrascanner for Hospital & Emergency Room Monitoring

    Infrascanner provides mobile brain scanning and bedside monitoring for patients undergoing observation for small or delayed hematomas. ...

    By InfraScan, Inc. based in Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA (USA).

  • Transforming radiology solutions for chest imaging areas

    Chest Imaging: The Adaptix chest imaging device will offer truly mobile 3D imaging at the bedside for a cost and dose similar to existing 2D X-ray systems. Better visualisation than 2D X-ray of common conditions such as pulmonary edema, pneumothorax/hemothorax and more confident localization of lines and ...

    By Adaptix Limited based in Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM.

  • Smart Detection Apps

    Smart detection apps providing peace of mind by coordinating immediate assistance from loved ones or caregivers when you experience a SEIZURE or FALL ...

    By My Medic Watch Pty Ltd based in Sydney, AUSTRALIA.

  • Solutions for Redox OB Fast Test

    REDOX OB FAST enables the assessment of oxidative stress status through redox balance analysis. In every organism there is a delicate balance, called redox, between oxidising and antioxidising molecules. It is well known in the literature (Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2020, 21:363-383.) that alterations in the redox balance, i.e. oxidative stress, are associated with numerous diseases, especially chronic or age-related diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, …. ). In this context, ...

    By H & D S.r.l. based in Parma (PR), ITALY.

  • Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Scan Software for Bone Health Assessment

    In this case example, 3D-SHAPER reveals a low cortical surface density in a 50-year-old osteopenic woman (total hip BMD T-score = -1.1) who sustained a hip ...

    By 3D-Shaper Medical SL based in Barcelona, SPAIN.

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