Hospital Healthcare Product Applications
Disinfection Solutions for Hospital-Healthcare
Hospitals and all healthcare facilities across the world are continuously searching for better ways to limit the spread of infections and improve their disinfection terminal cleans. ...
By SteraMist Disinfection based in Frederick, MARYLAND (USA).
Communication Software for Hospitals
RapidReach has a number of applications that can be utilised for both emergencies and operational purposes in hospitals and healthcare ...
By Enera International AB based in Mölndal, SWEDEN.
Solutions for water treatment in hospitals and health centers
Hospitals, healthcare centers and clinics require specialized treatments for their discharges, due to the potentially dangerous nature of their effluent. ...
By Salher based in Madrid, SPAIN.
Solar Energy for Hospitals
Hospitals of the future must be sustainable in all aspects. Reducing energy consumption in the medical industry is a challenge that requires thorough knowledge of the stringent requirements set forth by both the supervisory authority and the company management. ...
By Absolicon Solar Collector AB based in Härnösand, SWEDEN.
Ventilation solutions for hospital industry
Flight medical ventilators offer a solution for Hospitals environment. They are innovative and powerful for virtually all hospital contingencies and a wide range of patients. ...
By Flight Medical Innovations Ltd. based in Petah Tikva,, ISRAEL.
Shredding solutions for hospital waste industry
This category includes various products and materials collected in hospitals: hazardous waste (eg catheters, disposable gloves, test tubes, disposable gowns, material for dressing, etc.). lab hazardous waste as a result of the carrying out of research activities and bacteriological diagnostics (for example: land plates, contaminated culture, etc.). cutting waste (for example: needles, syringes, scalpels, etc.). unrecognizable organs and body parts empty containers (for example: of medicines, of ...
By SatrindTech Srl based in Arluno, ITALY.
Vascade - Model MVP - Venous Vascular Closure System for Value to Hospital
Early Ambulation. Simple. Proven: VASCADE MVP enables Early Ambulation, is simple to use and proven, providing femoral venous closure in patients who have undergone catheter-based interventions using procedure sheaths with an Inner Diameter of 6 to 12 French. ...
By Cardival Medical, Inc. based in Santa Clara, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Clean Water Facilities for Hospital
Hospitals are in a trend of switching from pure water-facilities on every department to having central facilities that provides for the whole estate. ...
By Pure Water Scandinavia AB (PWS) based in Falun, SWEDEN.
Water and wastewater treatment solution for medical center - hospitals industry
Two 60 m3 Sotrad Water modular tanks were installed to permanently store treated drinking water and smooth out peak demand in the ...
By Sotrad Water based in Nivelles, BELGIUM.
Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) System for Hospital Administrators
The reputation of your cancer treatment facility hinges on your ability to recruit world-class oncologists. Those who can collaborate to leverage pioneering technologies and therapies for the benefit of their patients. It’s an investment in talent and technology. And your technology must be proven, precise and ...
By IntraOp Medical, Inc. based in Sunnyvale, CALIFORNIA (USA).
RFID Software Solutions for Healthcare
Healthcare is another prime example of where RFID automated inventory technology shines. ...
By Senitron Corporation based in Canoga Park, CALIFORNIA (USA).
Hypochlorous Generator for Hospitals – Medical Centers
Neutral Anolyte Application: Disinfection of patient rooms, walls, floors, bedding and living areas. Hospital disinfection water disinfection. Prevention of hospital infections. ...
By EcoLyTech based in Silivri, TURKEY.
Remote patient monitoring solution for Hospitals sector
RemetricHealth helps hospitals maintain continuity of care after patients are discharged or leave the emergency department, potentially reducing the number of readmissions, future emergency department visits, and acute health events. ...
By RemetricHealth based in Allentown, PENNSYLVANIA (USA).
Neuromuscular Electrostimulation Device for VTE Prevention – Obstetrics - Hospital Applications
Preventative care for obstetric related venous thromboembolism (VTE). Pulmonary embolism (PE) is the leading cause of maternal death in the developed world. Patients are 5 times more likely to develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT) during pregnancy2. The UK incidence of VTE in pregnancy and the puerperium is 1–2 episodes per 1,000 patients3 and accounts for 10% of all maternal deaths in the United ...
By Firstkind Ltd based in High Wycombe, UNITED KINGDOM.
Power Generators for Water hospitals industry
Lack of electricity almost always implies a loss in terms of money, but when it comes to back-up generating sets for hospitals, electrical power supplies machinery essential to the lives of endangered patients. ...
By GENMAC S.r.l. based in Gualtieri (RE), ITALY.
Solution for Hospitals
The benefits of Robotic Magnetic Navigation (RMN) have been validated by >100 leading hospitals globally treating >100,000 patients. The improvements in outcomes have been demonstrated with scientific rigor in hundreds of scientific ...
By Stereotaxis, Inc. based in St. Louis, MISSOURI (USA).
Wound care management solutions for hospitals sector
Enable bedside staff to identify and document all wounds upon admission. Swift helps hospitals comply with documentation requirements and avoid penalties for hospital acquired ...
By Swift Medical based in Toronto, ONTARIO (CANADA).
Neuromuscular Electrostimulation Device for Pre-operative Oedema Reduction - Ankle Fracture - Hospital Applications
Accelerating readiness for theatre in patients requiring Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF). ...
By Firstkind Ltd based in High Wycombe, UNITED KINGDOM.
Neuromuscular Electrostimulation Device for Post-operative Oedema Reduction - Hip Replacement - Hospital Applications
Preventing the build-up of post-operative oedema in Total Hip Replacement patients, during and after surgery. Elective and fractured hip patients, particularly those with comorbidities and compromised vasculature, are at greater risk of post-operative complications such as oedema which can impair local tissue perfusion and surgical wound healing. ...
By Firstkind Ltd based in High Wycombe, UNITED KINGDOM.
Digital Solutions for the Healthcare Industry
We help health facilities overhaul legacy IT systems, automate medical image analysis, and monitor patients’ well-being in and out of the hospital. Softeq also provides custom healthcare software development services to technology startups working on medical devices — vital signs monitors, insulin pumps, or diagnostic ...
By Softeq Development Corp. based in Houston, TEXAS (USA).
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