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Dialysis System Product Applications

2 applications found
  • Premium

    Water treatment For Hemodialysis industry

    All the factors that ultimately affect dialysate composition must therefore be carefully monitored and controlled: proper proportioning and mixing of concentrates with water; the quality of water mixed with concentrates to form dialysate; and the quality of water used in the reprocessing of hemodialyzers, system maintenance and ...

    By Myron L Company based in Carlsbad, CALIFORNIA (USA).

  • Hemolung - Fully Integrated Respiratory Dialysis System (RAS) for Patients and Caregivers

    Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) provides an alternative or supplement to mechanical ventilation by removing carbon dioxide directly from the blood using techniques similar to kidney dialysis. The procedure can be performed as part of comprehensive treatment for acute respiratory failure in the intensive care ...

    By LivaNova PLC based in Houston, TEXAS (USA).

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