Home Sleep Testing for Medical Professionals - Medical / Health Care
In order to diagnose Sleep Apnea or other sleep disorders, a patient must undergo a polysomnography (sleep study). This is typically done in a sleep lab, requiring the patient to spend the night in-lab, while the polysomnography (PSG) equipment records his/her physiological data. However, today with technological advancements a polysomnograpy can be performed at home and is called home sleep testing (HST) or a home sleep study.
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DetailsWhat are the benefits of Home Sleep Testing? The patient self-administers the home sleep
- The patient self-administers the home sleep test, and is able to spend the night in the patient’s own bed in familiar surroundings (reducing first night effect).
- Home sleep testing, a home sleep study, can be especially advantageous to the home-bound, elderly, or those with chronic illness, who require specialized care such as a nurse or family member spending the night, expensive transportation costs, etc. It is also beneficial for those with trouble arranging time out of their schedules to spend the night in-lab.
- The typical cost of a home sleep test or a home sleep study is only a fraction of the cost of an in-lab sleep study, and typically yields similar results in the diagnosis of Obstructive
What are Healthcare Professionals saying about Home Sleep Testing?
“The simple words: ‘we can test you tonight at your own home‘ as opposed to: ‘we can test you in two weeks at the sleep lab’ proved to be highly influential in getting the patients to agree to a test. When I said those words about having the test done immediately and at home, fewer patients objected.”
– Dr. Segal, Lake Zurich Family Treatment Center
– Dr. Tilley, Medical Associates of Fremont
It is important to be informed on the coverage, contracting, coding and reimbursement requirements of payors when considering offering home sleep testing within your practice. As payor policies are constantly evolving with respect to home sleep testing, this serves as a guide to help you navigate the key issues with your payor set.
The information below provides an overview of CPT® coding applicable to unattended sleep studies for a patient suspected of having sleep apnea. When selecting a CPT code, healthcare providers should choose the code that most accurately identifies the procedure or service performed.
CPT Code 95800Sleep study, unattended, simultaneous recording: heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory analysis (eg, by airflow or peripheral arterial tone), and sleep time.
CPT Code 95806Sleep study, unattended, simultaneous recording of heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory airflow and respiratory effort.
HCPCS Code G0399Home sleep study with Type III portable monitor, unattended; minimum of four channels: two respiratory movement/airflow, one ECG/heart rate and one oxygen saturation.
What are commonly used ICD Codes for Type III Home Sleep Test/ Home Sleep Study?
- Indication ICD-10 Code
- Obstructive sleep apnea G47.33
- Sleep-related hypoventilation/hypoxemia
- in conditions classified elsewhere G47.36
- Insomnia with sleep apnea, unspecified G47.01 and G47.33
- Hypersomnia with sleep apnea, unspecified G47.14 and G47.33
- Unspecified sleep apnea G47.30